Monday, February 27, 2012

This Little Piggy

This is one of my favorite drawings because I love the adorable Asian piggy bank I got in Cambodia. Up to that point in my drawing curriculum I had mostly drawn from white plaster casts so I was curious to see how I handled a darker subject matter. I decided to use black charcoal as well as white charcoal for this one, which made it feel more like a painting with the blending I did for the correct values. Jeff suggested I find another object that was a different kind of material and lighter in color to draw with my Asian piggy. I perused my house and found the perfect little white porcelain bank to be friends with my Asian pig for the 39.5 hours they got to model for me while gathering dust. I'm pretty sure they're BFF's now.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Feat of a Foot

There is a blog for the Hein Academy of Art which isn't updated often, but about a year ago one of Jeff's assistants was posting on it fairly regularly. She did a short post about me and this drawing of a foot. You can check it out here:
I spent 37.25 hours on this one.