Yes, I know I look angry in this painting. No, you aren't the first
person to tell me that. Do you really want to know why I look a little put off in this picture? First of all, I had to stare at myself in a
mirror for one hundred hours...yes, that's right, 100 hours! YOU try
holding a smile for that long. Secondly, it should not have taken me 100
hours to paint this! And third, who smiles in a self-portrait?
Seriously (no pun intended), I did a little looking and easily found some examples of artists NOT smiling for their self-portraits...see below.
I finished my self-portrait last April. It took me about
four months to paint it and it was a challenge! I did change the
lighting about 20 hours into it so that didn't help, but it took me a
lot longer than I expected. I kept painting the same things over and
over again each day, trying to get them right. All of those hours could
feel like a waste of time, but then I remember that it takes
10,000 hours to get really good at something so
it's not a waste when I realize those 100 hours were moving me towards
my goal of mastering painting!
I've done a few other paintings since this one and recently decided to re-visit
the self-portrait theme to see if I've improved my paint quality and/or gotten faster in the
last four months. I started the new self-portrait a couple weeks ago and
so far it feels like it's moving more quickly, but time will tell. I've
been taking periodic pictures of my progress so it will be fun to see
the succession when it's completed.
Rembrandt |
Vincent Van Gogh |
John Singer Sargeant
Mary Cassatt |
Vermeer |
Jeffrey Hein |
Degas |
That looks awesome!