Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yin and Yang

We started a new model session last week and after the first day we decided to change the pose. Instead of using a new sheet of canvas paper, I just turned the page upside down and started again. The picture on the left shows how it looked on Monday with the two figures. I kind of like reminds me of the pisces sign or yin and yang. I just learned that yin and yang literally means, "shadow and light," which is appropriate for my painting. :)

The picture on the right was taken after the model session today. It's starting to look more like him.



  1. Very cool! And you are so talented; I'm very impressed every time you post pics of your work!

  2. Thanks Aaron! I have wondered if anyone looks at this :)

  3. Hi, I'm looking, too, and enjoy each of your posts. I wish my life situation was different so I could attend the Hein Academy also.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you are looking at this too, John. Thanks for the comment, and I hope you have the opportunity to study with Jeff sometime in the future!
