Monday, October 15, 2012

Art Show/Portrait Drawing Session

I'm finally posting some pictures from the Art Show/Portrait Drawing Session that was held September 28th at the Hein Academy of Art. Advanced students at the academy displayed their artwork and Jeff Hein presented two religious paintings he recently completed for the Honduras LDS Temple. His paintings are incredible (see pics below)! I especially love the one of Christ healing the multitude. He painted both pieces completely from life, meaning he had each model come pose for him individually (on several occasions) rather than using photographs as references. It is beautifully done and inspiring to me!

One objective of this event was to help raise money for an educational art trip we are taking to New York City (next week) to visit several art museums and galleries. Early in the evening people could bid to have a portrait done that night, or they could buy a raffle ticket for the chance to win a portrait by Jeff Hein or one of the advanced students, to be scheduled for another day.

Jeff painted a portrait that night and several of us drew portraits. It was good experience drawing with an audience and on a strict timeframe (although I didn't get close to finishing).

Overall it was a lovely evening. Thanks to everyone who came to support us!
Steve introducing the evening's events

Me and my parents in front of my art

Jeff Hein's painting of Christ
Jeff Hein's painting of Christ healing the multitude

Jeff beginning his portrait

The portrait nearing completion, after about 3 hours!

 Jenna and Skip drawing portraits

Me, Sarah, Heather and Emily drawing

Thanks to my lovely model, Claudia

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