Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dream the impossible dream..

This is my most recently finished painting. I passed it off on Friday and I''m excited to be moving on to the next project. The picture looked a lot better on my phone so you'll have to take my word that it looks much better in real life.

The figures in this painting are wooden sculptures that I bought in Ecuador 13 years ago. The characters are Don Quixote and his side kick, Sancho Panza. In one scene of the story Don Quixote attacks a windmill, thinking it is a monster, and he breaks his spear. If you look closely you'll see that Don Quixote is holding a broken spear with the top half sitting on the ground in front of him...the spear of this sculpture actually snapped when I brought it back from Ecuador in my luggage. It was just a happy coincidence that it fits along nicely with the story :)

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